Oct. 4, 2011, 9:14 p.m. EDT
Hurd: Oracle now a “one-stop” tech company
By Benjamin Pimentel, MarketWatch
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Oracle Co-President Mark Hurd on Tuesday touted the Silicon Valley giant’s transformation into a “one-stop technology company” as he portrayed a more cost-conscious corporate IT market.
Hurd echoed what other technology executives have said about the explosion of data which has led to the push for newer, more efficient data center technologies.
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Redwood City, Calif.-based Oracle Corp.ORCL +2.68% first emerged as a data base software powerhouse, but it has steadily expanded into business software applications and now hardware.
“We believe we have all the parts to be a great one-stop technology company, whether it’s in the hardware layer, the operating systems layer, the database layer, the middleware layer,” Hurd said in an interview in San Francisco during Oracle’s Open World conference.
Companies, he said, are being pushed “to redo their IT infrastructure.”
“That’s being done in an environment where CEOs are telling their IT organizations budgets are tight,” he continued. “I don’t know any CEO telling anyone, ‘Hey, whatever you need, you got it.’”
The Oracle conference itself underscored the software company’s deepening focus on hardware.
On Monday, Oracle unveiled a new product called Exalytics Business Intelligence Machine which it says can process unstructured data from a range of sources.
Hurd took on a prominent role in Oracle’s hardware push last year after he abruptly left Hewlett-Packard Co. HPQ +3.69% , where he was chief executive, amid allegations of improper behavior, including a sexual harassment claim.
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison blasted the H-P board’s decision to let Hurd go and then hired him to become one of his co-presidents.
The changes marked a major turn in the relationship between Oracle and H-P which had long been close partners in the corporate IT market.
The two began to compete in hardware after Oracle bought H-P rival Sun Microsystems in 2010. H-P has also sent a strong signal that it plans to compete more intensely in corporate software, highlighted by its recent acquisition of Autonomy Corp.
Hurd said he found no big surprises when he moved to Oracle nearly a year ago. “I knew the company well and felt great about coming in,” he said.
Asked if there were business practices at H-P that he felt were effective and brought with him to Oracle, Hurd said, “I wouldn’t compare the two companies. They’re very different companies.”
He then expounded on his own view of business strategy, “You the strategy right. You get the operating model and the operations right. You get the people right and generally good things happen.”
Benjamin Pimentel is a MarketWatch reporter based in San Francisco.
Résultats supérieurs aux attentes pour Oracle
Le spécialiste des logiciels de gestion de bases de données Oracle a fait état mardi d'un chiffre d'affaires trimestriel légèrement supérieur aux attentes, en dépit d'un contexte marqué par de faibles perspectives de dépenses dans le secteur des technologies.
En après-Bourse, la valeur gagnait 1,3% après avoir clôturé en recul de 2,31% la séance de mardi.
Le groupe américain, qui s'est diversifié l'an dernier dans le matériel en rachetant le fabricant de serveurs Sun Microsystems, affiche un chiffre d'affaires de 8,37 milliards de dollars au titre de son premier trimestre fiscal clos en août, ce qui représente une hausse de 12% par rapport à l'année précédente. Wall Street attendait 8,35 milliards de dollars.
Les ventes de nouveaux logiciels, gage de chiffre d'affaires à venir dans le domaine de la maintenance, ont augmenté de 17% contre une hausse de 15% attendue.
Le bénéfice net s'est établi à 1,84 milliard de dollars, soit 36 cents par action, cotre 1,35 milliard de dollars, soit 27 cents par action l'année précédente.
Hors éléments exceptionnels, le profit se monte à 48 cents par action contre 46 cents attendu par le consensus.
Un dividende trimestriel de six cents par action sera versé le 2 novembre.
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