mardi 10 octobre 2017

about Benjamin Graham ... @ MarketWatch by Mark Hulbert

Quote of the day :

"One lucky break, or one supremely shrewd decision — can we tell them apart? — may count for more than a lifetime of journeyman efforts." 

I think Graham was hinting at this when he added: “Behind the luck or the crucial decision, there must usually exist a background of preparation and disciplined capacity. One needs to be sufficiently established and recognized so that these opportunities will knock at his particular door. One must have the means, the judgment and the courage to take advantage of them.”  (By MARK HULBERT @ MarketWatch)

Benjamin Graham

Benjamin Graham, économiste, entrepreneur et investisseur américain du XXᵉ siècle, a été reconnu mondialement comme l'investisseur le plus doué de la planète. Wikipédia

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