lundi 19 décembre 2011

RIMM @ 2 or 5 ?

Sept. 28, 2012, 4:42 p.m. EDT

RIM’s sales surprise doesn’t erase doubts

Despite strong BlackBerry numbers, analysts point to challenges

By Benjamin Pimentel, MarketWatch

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Surprisingly strong BlackBerry sales lifted Research In Motion’s stock on Friday, but analysts’ view of the device maker’s future remained decisively downbeat.


7,50 USD 
+5,04% | +0,36 
 28/09/2012 22:00

While RIM RIMM +5.04% beat expectations, many analysts doubt that’s enough for the beleaguered device-maker to catch up with increasingly powerful rivals, led by Apple Inc. AAPL -2.09% and manufacturers using Google’sGOOG -0.26% Android operating system.
RIM shares gained 5% to close at $7.50 after an upbeat report highlighted by stronger-than-expected sales of its flagship BlackBerry product. The stock is still down 48% year-to-date, and off 66% over the last 12 months.
The losses are based mainly on the view that the once-dominant player in the mobile market faces an increasingly uphill battle in an expanding and changing market for tablets and smartphones.
Thursday’s upbeat report didn’t change the minds of many analysts.
“While the results were better than feared, they were far short of impressive or conviction of a turnaround for RIM,” Citigroup analyst Jim Suva said in a note.
Bernstein Research analyst Pierre Ferragu argued that the company’s report showed that the company has a “profitable core business around entry-level phones and corporate users.”

Research In Motion Chief Executive Officer Thorsten Heins shows a prototype of the BlackBerry 10 smartphone at the BlackBerry World event in Orlando, Fla., on May 1.
“The user base continued to expand and services revenues remain steady. BlackBerry added 2 million more users, expanding its user base to 80 million,” he added.
But he echoed the view of other analysts who say RIM is banking too much on a new platform dubbed BlackBerry 10.
“We remain worried about the company’s turnaround strategy centered on BlackBerry 10,” Ferragu wrote. “We maintain our view that there is no room left for a third ecosystem, not unless it is a breakthrough.”
And there’s much skepticism that RIM’s new platform will be a breakthrough.
Having a robust and growing ecosystem, including a robust network of apps developers, has become increasingly important to compete in the mobile market.
Many analysts don’t see BlackBerry 10 giving RIM an edge against the rapidly growing ecosystems built by Apple and Google. RIM also faces a challenge with Microsoft Corp.MSFT -1.33% launching its own offensive with revamped versions of its Windows operating system.

Apple apologizes for maps mishap

Tim Cook apologizes for the quality of Apple's new iPhone maps application, acknowledging fierce criticism from users.
On Thursday, Intel Corp. INTC -1.86% , Microsoft’s longtime partner, unveiled new tablet designs based on its chip technology and Windows 8.
“Until the company’s BlackBerry 10 platform shows rapid, widespread adoption when it arrives in early 2013 — a far from certain proposition — we maintain our cautious stance on RIM shares,” Cowen analyst Matthew Hoffman wrote.
Citigroup’s Suva listed 10 reasons “why we feel things can get worse” at RIM.
One of them was the rash of new smartphones, including several coming in the next few months, which he said shows “the competitive environment just keeps getting more challenging with innovation occurring faster than ever.”

7,50 USD 
+5,04% | +0,36 
 28/09/2012 22:00

Sept. 28, 2012, 4:42 p.m. EDT

RIM’s sales surprise doesn’t erase doubts

Despite strong BlackBerry numbers, analysts point to challenges

By Benjamin Pimentel, MarketWatch
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Surprisingly strong BlackBerry sales lifted Research In Motion’s stock on Friday, but analysts’ view of the device maker’s future remained decisively downbeat.
While RIM RIMM +5.04% beat expectations, many analysts doubt that’s enough for the beleaguered device-maker to catch up with increasingly powerful rivals, led by Apple Inc. AAPL -2.09% and manufacturers using Google’sGOOG -0.26% Android operating system.
RIM shares gained 5% to close at $7.50 after an upbeat report highlighted by stronger-than-expected sales of its flagship BlackBerry product. The stock is still down 48% year-to-date, and off 66% over the last 12 months.
The losses are based mainly on the view that the once-dominant player in the mobile market faces an increasingly uphill battle in an expanding and changing market for tablets and smartphones.
Thursday’s upbeat report didn’t change the minds of many analysts.
“While the results were better than feared, they were far short of impressive or conviction of a turnaround for RIM,” Citigroup analyst Jim Suva said in a note.
Bernstein Research analyst Pierre Ferragu argued that the company’s report showed that the company has a “profitable core business around entry-level phones and corporate users.”

Research In Motion Chief Executive Officer Thorsten Heins shows a prototype of the BlackBerry 10 smartphone at the BlackBerry World event in Orlando, Fla., on May 1.
“The user base continued to expand and services revenues remain steady. BlackBerry added 2 million more users, expanding its user base to 80 million,” he added.
But he echoed the view of other analysts who say RIM is banking too much on a new platform dubbed BlackBerry 10.
“We remain worried about the company’s turnaround strategy centered on BlackBerry 10,” Ferragu wrote. “We maintain our view that there is no room left for a third ecosystem, not unless it is a breakthrough.”
And there’s much skepticism that RIM’s new platform will be a breakthrough.
Having a robust and growing ecosystem, including a robust network of apps developers, has become increasingly important to compete in the mobile market.
Many analysts don’t see BlackBerry 10 giving RIM an edge against the rapidly growing ecosystems built by Apple and Google. RIM also faces a challenge with Microsoft Corp.MSFT -1.33% launching its own offensive with revamped versions of its Windows operating system.

Apple apologizes for maps mishap

Tim Cook apologizes for the quality of Apple's new iPhone maps application, acknowledging fierce criticism from users.
On Thursday, Intel Corp. INTC -1.86% , Microsoft’s longtime partner, unveiled new tablet designs based on its chip technology and Windows 8.
“Until the company’s BlackBerry 10 platform shows rapid, widespread adoption when it arrives in early 2013 — a far from certain proposition — we maintain our cautious stance on RIM shares,” Cowen analyst Matthew Hoffman wrote.
Citigroup’s Suva listed 10 reasons “why we feel things can get worse” at RIM.
One of them was the rash of new smartphones, including several coming in the next few months, which he said shows “the competitive environment just keeps getting more challenging with innovation occurring faster than ever.” 

Benjamin Pimentel is a MarketWatch reporter based in San Francisco.

John C. Dvorak
Dec. 16, 2011, 3:10 p.m. EST

For RIM, no relief ‘til arrival of BlackBerry10

Commentary: Next-generation phone the next shot at righting the ship

By John C. Dvorak

BERKELEY, Calif. (MarketWatch) — Hindsight is great. It tells us that one year after the release of the iPhone, the opportunity to short Research In Motion — was apparent. But instead many of you didn’t do it.
For some reason you sensed that the company would do something spectacular to compete with the new smartphone platform. You failed to notice in the first place that RIM stockRIMM -11.17%  was overpriced.
That was a lost opportunity. So what now?
This is a weird stock with a strange cycle and it does go up and down, and up again. With all the bad things that have happened to the company over the past six months, it’s clearly headed down once more. Look at it between 1998 and 2004 to see an interesting example of its movement.
Is the stock, which fell on Friday as low as $13.12, headed back down to $2? Probably not, but I would not be shocked to see it trade around $5.
That said, this is not a dead company out of place in the new smartphone era. The BlackBerry is still used by executives and also by protesting youths worldwide who prefer the BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) system to communicate strategies and video feeds.
If anything hurt the company recently it was the outage of the BBM system last October. BBM is different from the more ubiquitous SMS found on all mobile phones including the BlackBerry.
BBM is a private network for BlackBerry users. Long messages, photos and video can easily be shared without size imitations. With some service plans, these messages are free.
This and other features of the BlackBerry system are poorly communicated to the public. As far as anyone walking into a phone shop knows, the BlackBerry is a phone with a keyboard. Big deal.
And RIM isn’t marketing itself well. Its own website shows the basic models of phone, but there is massive confusion about which models have the new “liquid graphics” display, for example. In fact, the display technology is rather vague, as are the other features.
The company also maintains the old BlackBerry 6 OS as well as the newer BlackBerry 7 OS on the site. There is no highlight of the often cited QNX OS, creating further confusion.
RIM should seriously look at the way Apple AAPL +0.20%  markets the iPhone on its website and compare it to the RIM website and take a hint.
But marketing aside, the company is struggling in a smartphone landscape now dominated by Apple and Android.
And Steve Jobs was right. The Android is a dastardly imitation of the iPhone — as good or better in many ways, but still the same sort of thing.
The alternatives including the RIM and Microsoft’s Phone 7 are different and can be thus differentiated. But on what basis?
That’s the problem. Nobody knows how to quite differentiate these phones from the Apple-Android paradigm.
Microsoft tried to convince people that its phones were better because people could get more done, faster, on them. The underlying message, though, was that the phones weren’t as compelling as the Apple-Android systems.
Like many Microsoft ads, they turned out to be counter-productive and drew more attention to the competition.
I personally do not see the slide at RIM stopping until the end of 2012, when RIM expects to get some attention with what it calls the next-generation BlackBerry 10. This is a long way off and the sheer number of competitive phones from other vendors should be staggering by then.
Still, I would not count Research In Motion out or consider it dead just yet. But meantime, any buying opportunity is a ways off.


(AOF) - Annus horribilis. A moins d'un mois de son terme, 2011 est une année à oublier pour Research In Motion entre ses profit warning, ses résultats et ses perspectives décevants et ses problèmes de réseaux. Aujourd'hui, le fabricant du BlackBerry a lancé un nouvel avertissement sur ses résultats et annoncé une importante charge en raison des mauvaises performances commerciales de sa tablette PlayBook. L'action Research In Motion chute de 9,2% à 16,87 dollars, portant son déclin depuis le premier janvier à 70%.

Afin de réduire le niveau élevé de ses stocks de sa tablette, la firme canadienne a décidé d'augmenter son activité promotionnelle, c'est-à-dire réduire ses prix. Research In Motion explique cet échec par plusieurs facteurs, dont le retard dans le lancement de la version 2.0 du logiciel d'exploitation de la tablette et les récentes évolutions au niveau concurrentiel sur le marché des tablettes.

Celles-ci pourraient bien être dues au Kindle Fire d' Le bureau d'études IHS affirme aujourd'hui que cette tablette a créé le chaos sur le marché des tablettes, hors iPad. Il s'attend à ce que 3,9 millions d'exemplaires de ce produit soient vendus au cours du quatrième trimestre, prenant la deuxième place du marché derrière l'iPad d'Apple.

Research in Motion va donc enregistrer au troisième trimestre une charge avant impôt de 485 millions d'euros.

Le fabricant du BlackBerry a par ailleurs averti qu'il avait abandonné son objectif d'un bénéfice par action ajusté annuel compris entre 5,25 et 6 dollars. Il prévoit de livrer moins d'appareils au dernier trimestre qu'au troisième au cours duquel 14,1 millions de BlackBerry devraient être vendus. Cette baisse des livraisons s'explique par des ventes inférieures aux attentes aux distributeurs au troisième trimestre et par son anticipation de la demande au dernier trimestre.

Sur le seul troisième trimestre, le groupe a par ailleurs dit s'attendre à un bénéfice par action ajusté dans le bas de sa fourchette de 1,20 à 1,40 dollar, hors l'impact de la charge du PlayBook et de ses problèmes de réseaux. Ses revenus seront inférieurs à sa fourchette de 5,3 à 5,6 milliards de dollars en raison notamment du mix-produits.



Equipementiers télécoms 

La course à l'innovation s'intensifie. Ainsi, HTC a récemment proposé deux nouveaux modèles de smartphones («Radar» et «Titan»), qui utilisent la dernière version de l'OS Windows Phone. Le constructeur taïwanais souhaite renforcer son partenariat avec Microsoft pour concevoir des appareils grand public et se distinguer de la concurrence. Il cherche à diversifier son offre avec sept modèles fonctionnant avec Windows Phone et une dizaine avec Android (le système d'exploitation mobile de Google). Quant à Samsung, il a développé son propre système d'exploitation pour mobile, «Bada», afin de réduire sa dépendance à Google. Il a présenté un nouveau smartphone, le «Wave 3», qui fonctionne avec ce système. Cette quête de nouveautés est indispensable pour permettre aux acteurs de maintenir, voire consolider leurs positions dans un secteur en perpétuel mouvement. Un nouvel acteur, donc concurrent potentiel, pourrait émerger prochainement, puisque Panasonic, qui est déjà présent dans la téléphonie mobile au Japon, pourrait se développer sur ce marché en Europe à l'avenir.

Source:AOF  16.12.2011 16:36


(AOF) - Le fabricant du BlackBerry Research in Motion a dévoilé des perspectives décevantes et a averti que les smartphones dotés du nouveau système d'exploitation QNX ne seraient pas disponibles avant la fin de l'année prochaine. Or ces appareils sont considérés comme cruciaux pour l'avenir de la société. Au troisième trimestre, clos fin novembre, la firme de Waterloo (Ontario) a vu son bénéfice net fondre à 265 millions de dollars, soit 51 cents par action, à comparer avec un bénéfice net de 911 millions de dollars, ou 1,74 par action, un an plus tôt.

Hors éléments exceptionnels, le bénéfice par action a atteint 1,27 dollar, soit 9 cents de mieux que le consensus Thomson Reuters.

Le chiffre d'affaires a baissé de 6% à 5,2 milliards de dollars. Wall Street anticipait 5,265 milliards de dollars.

Le concurrent d'Apple a vendu 14,1 millions de smartphones et 150 000 tablettes PlayBook.

Pour le trimestre en cours, Research In Motion cible un bénéfice par action compris entre 80 et 95 cents pour des ventes de 4,6 à 4,9 milliards de dollars. Le consensus est de respectivement 1,15 dollar et 5,04 milliards de dollars. Il prévoit par ailleurs de livrer entre 11 et 12 millions de smartphones.

Source:AOF  16.12.2011 10:31

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